- A collage of images
- 800 x 600
- In color
- Text is allowed but it should not over-power or be larger than the images
- “Bells and whistles” – put all of your skills to work, be as creative as you can
- Typos/spelling errors = Failing Grade
- Readability: Be creative with your graphics, but make sure your fonts, word art, and positioning of the text do not make the text hard to read.
- Use of color: Make sure that you can see/read the text clearly. Do your pictures make a visual statement?
- Spelling and Grammar: You should have absolutely no errors on this sign! Grammar or spelling mistakes will make your sign unacceptable.
- Relationship to research: Are your pictures appropriate for your topic?
- Appropriate size: Your size must be 81/2 x 11.
- Visual appeal: Your sign must be appealing and readable from a distance.
- General neatness and skill level: Your sign should look like you spent some time on it. It should be visually appealing.
- Use of space on the page: Your sign should fill up the page. Make use of the space available to you.
- Overall creativity: Did you go out of your way to find interesting graphics? Have you created a sign that stands out from your peers, either through the artwork or through your master of computer skills?
1 comment:
Ms. Savido, I have uploaded my webliography. Its not completely finished. Will I be able to edit it and upload it again?
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