Monday, September 1, 2008

Blogging in Class??

Welcome to the City High Classof 2010 Graduation Project Blog!

Before you get started, you should learn something about this blogging business.

1. Read the New York Times article about blogging, "For Some, the Blogging Never Stops".

2. With the person next to you, answer the following 8 questions on a separate word document. Answer in complete sentences.

  • What is blogging, according to the article?
  • How many blogs has the blog-tracking company, Technorati, counted?
  • What percentage of online users uses blogs, according to Jupiter Research?
  • What reason does Richard Wiggins give for writing blogs?
  • How does Scott Lederer justify the time he spends blogging?
  • What does Jeff Jarvis mean by "the obligation to blog"?
  • According to Barabara Quint, what is it about blogging that makes it more attractive than cash?
  • What are some of the pitfalls to frequent blogging?

3. Independently: Answer the following questions and post them as comments to this post:

  • Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?
  • What makes another person's blog worth reading?
  • By what "rules" do you think fellow bloggers should abide, and why?


James Phillips said...

-When you blog and are into the conversation I beleave that people who do spend their time on the computer isn't wasting time but trying to find something to do. People can go and find something better to do but it just doesn't fit some people's interest and what they do is all up to them and if they want to waste their lives I say let them.

-When something peeks someone elses interests I think thats why some people read others blogs and try to communicate with each other on a subject. The more people focus on a subject the more people get involved with one another.

-I do beleave that some people should limit their time blogging when they can do family chores or help others insted of just posting on a blog. Those who want to waste time is their choice but when it comes to family/friends needs i think they should come first above all.

-James Phillips

Vince said...
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Vince said...

I think that too much blogging makes you lose your own moments live your life, you don't have to tell people everything that happens. It's unhealthy when people make blogging become the main thing they do. When people tell you stuff you didnt know before and that helps you in real life, thats when someones blog is worth reading. People shouldn't just ramble on about pointless and unimportant details about their life when it doesn't impact yours and its not interesting, if they write something at least make it interesting.

Shannon McCarthy said...

*Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?

I believe blogging can go towards either an unheatlhy addiction or a simple way to pass the time. If you blog twenty-four seven and refuse to have any time with your family, than I believe that it is unhealthy. If you were to blog every once in a while, then it woudln't be as bad.

*What makes another person's blog worth reading?

If a person posts something with random non-sense that doesn't have anything to do with anything, the I personally woudln't read it. If it were a topic on something that I was interesting in or something I didn't previously know, I would more than likly read it.

*By what "rules" do you think fellow bloggers should abide, and why?

For rules, well generally I would always say remember what your audience is. You woudln't want to tell a four year-old child about the repruductive system. Also, swearing a lot or "chat speak" is really annoying and not nesacarry.

Shannon McCarthy

Kayla Fleming said...

constant blogging all the time when it takes away from important things it is unhealthy and harmful to ones self.

Another blog would be worth reading if you could relate directly to the topic.

The rules that should be set in place is that your blog shouldnt gave out personal information. information that may disrespect someone or something.

yours truely♥
*Kayla Fleming*

Julia said...

1. I think constant blogging shows an unhealthy obsession. It seems pointless since so few people actually read them.
2. For me to consider reading a person's blog, they have to have an interesting life. I wouldn't want to read someone's blog if I know them to be a boring person.
3. As a rule, bloggers should spell out their words and use good grammar. They should limit how often they blog because if it's multiple times a day, you'd run out of things to say.

Julia Frankenberg

L'Eley#1 said...

I could really care less about blogging... It is interesting in way though and i find it expressful because you get other peoples thoughts and opinions on things. It also take time out of many of things...


Chelsea said...

1. I think blogging is a hobby, but if you are a constant blogger it doesnt mean you are addicted unless you start to neglect family, friends, or your job.

2. I would read a blog if it was about something that interests me.

3. The only rule that bloggers should follow is to not neglect friends, family members, or your job for blogging.

MichaelTaravella said...

1. I believe that it is possible to blog so much that it becomes an obscure impulse. A unhealthy addiction.
Watch me start blogging and never stop, do to this class.
2. If it inspires peoples minds, or to atract an interest, or if they are simply a journalist.
3. I believe there should be rules for blogging, or commenting to someones blog, such as language, descrimination.

Ja-Leia Washington's Graduation Project said...

-I think blogging constantly does indicate signs of obsession because it shows that you have nothing better to do with your time.

-Another person't blog is worth reading is when the blog is interesting or if it grabs the attention of the reader. If it is dull and dumb, the person reading it will not read it.

-The number one rule that should be followed is a one (1) hour time limit. That limit can't be exceeded. It will be a limit like the library.

Tajah said...

constant blogging could indidcate signs of of obsessiion if you are spontaneously doing it daily, but in some cases it can be you judyt doing it for the heck of it. people read blobs based on how interesting is the topic about. blogging shouldnt have rules because if its for everyone to see your blog abnd you dont wont noboby to see it then you shouldnt be a blogger

jessica said...

1. I think alot of it starts out as a pastime, but with some people it becomes a obsession. Its a pastime time when you're bored or doing it for fun. For it to be an obsession, you must do it atleast 100 times a day, and you get anxious or something. But weather its a pastime or an obsession is up to you.
2.Another persons blog is worth reading, if they put their heart and soul into their writing, and its about how they feel. That or its worth reading because its interesting.
3. I think bloggers should never put anyone else's buisness out there. I also think they shouldn't get to personal and detailed while talking about themselves.

Bailey C said...

1. I think that constant bloging indicates signs of unhealthy obsession because people can get addicted and that is all that they want to do. Constant bloggers often forget about the important things in life and will put blogging before their family, friends, jobs and other such things.

2. What makes another persons blog worth reading, are their thoughts and feelings about whatever they choose to write about. Each person has their own story and that is what makes them unique and special.

3. Some rulels that fellow bloggers should abide by are to just have common courtesy.

Tamika J said...

1. I think that blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession because people can easily get addicted and they can also start doing other things instead of doing what they need to do. Blogging can and most likely will tend to start bad habits for most people depending on what they blog about and how much they blog.

2. If the topic that someone speaks or writes about is interesting or if there blog is important to another person then that would make a person's blog worth reading. It can also be worth reading if the person reading it feel the same way about the topic.

3. The main rule fellow bloggers should abide to and why are having alot of courtesy for another person.

Tamika Jones

Arrian said...
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Arrian said...

1) I think that it is harmless. It dont matter if you have an obsession because if you want to do it then you should just do it. Maybe people just do it because they have nothing better to do so they decided to make it their hobby.

2) If it is about something that you like to hear or if it is funny or gossip or something.

3) None it is not a game so do whatever you want to do!!!

Sydney Niedecker said...

1) I believe that if all you do is blog, it's a very unhealthy obsession. There are better, more enriching things to spendyour time on. I don't think blogging in general is bad, just blogging too often is.

2) When another person's blog is entertaining, enlightening, or educational, it interests the reader a lot more.

3) Fellow bloggers should have some amount of respect for other blogs. They shouldn't tell people not to read someone else's blog just because they want people to read theirs.

Casey Mizgorski said...

1. Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?

I think that constant blogging can go both ways. It just depends on how much someone decides to blog a day. If someone were to blog seven times a day, every day of the week, then that's a bit unhealthy, but if someone blogs once a day everyday, I think that they just enjoy blogging and use it as a pastime.

2. What makes another person's blog worth reading?

What makes someone's blog worth reading depends on who's reading it. If someone is writing music reviews in their blog, then a music junkie would like that persons blog and find it enteresting. If someone was writing book review or even their own stories, someone who likes to read would like their blog. All in all, it depends on who's reading it.

3. By what "rules" do you think fellow bloggers should abide and why?

I think that all bloggers should be appropriate when they blog. They don't know who's reading their blog and they don't know the age group. So if a twelve year old were to stumble upon someone's blog, parents would hope that it would be appropriate for their children to be reading. People need to take into consideration that they may have some young readers.

Brandon said...

- It's an unhealthy obsession. Think about it like this; if you talk to yourself, people say you're crazy. If you attempt to talk to people and they don't care, then you're just annoying. Since both of these happen often to bloggers, that means that by extension, they're annoying and crazy. And if people are annoying and crazy, they obviously have some mental health issues.

- If it's about something that you care about or want to know about, then you might read it. Other than that, people may read them out of boredom or curiosity. Sometimes you just want to know what people are thinking when they talk about stuff. But more often than not, it's something that you probably don't care about.

- There should be no rules. There are barely any rules on the internet, so people shouldn't try to apply rules to blogging. Even if people may take it a step too far, it's all about sharing their mind and such. And, it being free speech and all, it shouldn't have any interference with rules. After all, the rest of the internet has almost no rules anyway. Instead of rules, what people need is a Rehab clinic that they can go to. Maybe call it Bloggers Anonymous.

Julian Payne said...

-You shouldn’t be constantly blogging that is an unhealthy obsession. The difference between drug addictions and blogging is somewhat the same. You want to do it all the time, you can’t get enough, and you put IT before many things that typically should be important.

-I think having strong opinions make interesting blogs.

-There should be a time and place limit people set on blogging. You should not be blogging on vacation with your wife for 4hours, that’s really uncalled for. Personal attacks should also be avoided. The point is to keep blogging alive, not kill it by talking about fellow bloggers.

Megan said...

1. Constant blogging is definately an unhealthy obsession. Apparently you tend to neglet everything else around you like your family, your friends and your job. Plus who wants to spend all their freetime on the computer writing things that probably won't get read a whole lot? It's a waste of time.

2. I guess another person's blog would be worth reading if it was somewhat interesting to you. You'd read it if it was about something you enjoy or something you care about.

3. There aren't many rules that bloggers should abide by. It's their choice to blog all the time and they can do whatever they want. I think they should have a limit though because like I said it's obviously an unhealthy obsession and people should limit their time blogging.

lkrowitz said...

I think that blogging is just like everything else, it is good and bad. People who blog just to share stories or ideas, or to get things off their chest, are fine. There is nothing wrong with blogging just as a way to pass the time. On the other hand, people who take blogging overboard, and get so distracted by it that they are neglected their family or job, that is bad. It has become an unhealthy addiction that needs to be dealt with.
What makes some else's blog worth reading, is whenever someone share a similar interest as you. I also think that it is worth reading someone's blog just to see other perspectives. I think that bloggers should only use blogging as a past time when it can not result in an unhealth relationship with your family, friends and job.

Eric Feher said...

Constant blogging is a sign of an unhealthy obsession. By no means can someone claim that an activity that in some cases causes neglect of loved ones and profitable careers is a harmless pastime. As stated by Barabara Quint, “The Web’s illusion of immortality is sometimes more attractive than actual cash.” Also, a blogger himself, Tony Pierce, stated that “If it [Blogging] were beer I’d be an alcoholic,” which is very agreeable, if someone were that obsessive with alcohol or drugs they would be considered to have a problem.

Interest is the main thing that would make a person’s blog worth reading, no matter what your interests would be. Nobody would read a blog if it did not interest them. I suppose that just the idea of a blog is interesting enough to some people.

I do not thing that there should be rules for bloggers to abide by. A blog is really nothing more than a personal space to share your thoughts and/or experiences. Basically, a blog is an online journal. Therefore anybody has the right to say whatever they’d like. If there is something on somebody’s blog that another person doesn’t like, well nobody is forcing them to keep reading.

.::.~Kywonna~.::. said...

I think that constant blogging can be addicting if you get side track by not doing work that your suppose to be doing.

I would say that if that person has a catchy title and a good couple sentences that would make a reader want to keep reading.

I wouldn't nessecary call them rules but i would say that you shouod voice your opinion in a respectable way.

Nichole Craig said...

Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?
-I think that blogging is ok, but when its becomes a constant thing, kind of like myspace, and its like an obsession, then you have a problem. If your so bored with your

What makes a person's blog worth reading?
-When you read someones blog and its pointless or stupid, why would you read anything else they write? Exactly, so if your blogging for the interest of other people, you either make them laugh or pour your heart out about your feelings and situations going on around you.

By what "rules" do you think fellow bloggers should abide and why?
-I'm not so sure actually. I think basically, nothing too exposed, immature, or like gross.

Kristen Dixon said...

* I do not believe that constant blogging is an obsession. I think it is a past time, or a way in which people try to discover themselves, if that makes any sense. I think this because people blog to feel important, or treat a blog the way a teenage girl would treat their diary. It feels important to them, and perhaps they feel like they can reach out to others by blogging.

* I believe that a sense of being different or interesting makes a persons blog worth reading. perhaps it is also their views on things. If someone has similair thoughts as you do on a specific thing, you may feel compelled to read more of their thoughts.

* I think fellow bloggers should at least make a habit of writing their words out so that you do not see sentances like "OmG I ttl lv ur Sho3s" or something. If you wish to type out your thoughts, TYPE THEM OUT!!! Also, watch your langguage or things you say in your blog.

cfreeman said...

~I think that if you blog just to get things off of your chest every once in a while it is ok, but if it gets to the point where you are blogging all day and you start to get anxious if you havent got a chance to blog in a while it is a problem.

~I think that a person's blog is worth reading if it is interesting or something that i can relate to.

~I think that there should be somewhat of a censorship in their blogs because there are people of all ages that may read their blogs. You shouldnt give out personal information because their are a lot of "weirdo's" on the internet now adays.

Daniel Hogue said...

1) Constant Blogging is a sign of unhealthy obsession for the reasons that follow. It causes you to neglect your everday duties, it can cause lack of sleep and whatnot, and its also pretty much entirely pointless.

2)In my mind, there really isn't anything that makes a blog worth reading, unless you have a large amount of freetime that you can actually give to reading it.

3) Limit yourself to one entry per day and only spend between 15-30 minutes or so at most.

EWilliams said...

*If you do to much of anything it can be considered an unhealthy habit and bogging is no different. sitting in front of a computer for hours will make you fat and lazy.

*a blog worth reading is a blog that contains useful information. No one wants to sit around and read something that doesn't have a point to it

*I think blogger should be conscious of who will be reading their blogs. If you think children will be reading you should refrain from using inappropriate language

m.cook said...

I think that blogging triggers an unhealthy obsession in people because bloggers loose hours of sleep and can't concentrate on the more important things in their lives.

If you share a common interest then the blog becomes worth reading and easier to get hooked.

I think people should blog a cetain number of hours at a certain time of day, after they finish their 'real' work.

Ricardo Ford said...

I think that it is a waste of time and constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession because it will disrupt you in your work and you will probably mess up.
Another person's blog is worth reading when it looks interesting.
I don't know what rules fellow bloggers should abide by.

MLipscomb said...

i don't thik that blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession, blogging is more like a hobby, or a way to waste time.
- something that makes a person's blog worth reading is when they have information or ideas that interest everyone. ex. writing a blog about who the next president should be or about gas prices.
- the only rules that the blogger should abide by is, 1. no cursing, 2. don't talk about others, 3. don't post any personal information... Mar'Cia Lipscomb

Will Nichols said...

Blogging is not a bat habbit. Its a way of life, where people waste their lives in front of a computer. Then they remember they forgot to work and run out of money. Safe blogging involves not doing it much. Once or twice a day. If another persons blog contains good or valuable content it is definitly worth reading. If it has no entertainment or useful value don't go in it. Generally speaking you should not use any offensive language. And dont post any offensive pictures.

~.::Raynesha::.~ said...

1) I do think tht blogging is harmful because its like addicted to it and its taking control of there body casue them to do nothing but blog.
2)If a blog is worth reading to me than that mean i can relate to it or it is something that im intersted in.
3)I think that people should not be able to post hate messages on here and deadly thing because other people feelings.

Cody N. said...

Cody Nutting
1. I think that blogging is a very unhealthy obsession because you are writing about how you live. You should just live your life and try and remember the good times.
2. You get to discover there life experiences.
3. I think that they should not make it an obligation but they should just do it for fun.

Miles said...

1. I think that blogging can become a problem if it gets in the way of a job and your life. Blogging is a waste of time if no one is even reading them. Also if it was become a bad addiction to someone else it probably isn't a good thing in the first place.

Bloggs worth reading are the ones about medical assistance and other healthy activites, or just advice from experiance.

The rules I think bloggers should follow are just not to gang up on any other bloggers or anyone in general, and it is important to always remember the age of the audience

Sean Dehler said...

1. I beleive that constant blogging is unhealthy when you do it for a number of hours in a row. But it is fine if you blog for about an hour or two per day.

2. If it something the reader is interested in reading

3. I beleive that there should be very few rules such as dont use viloent language and don't make any threats

Sean Dehler said...

Article 1

1.List the project requirements that the students mentioned in these articles had to meet. How do they compare to our project? Senior Project presentation to a panel. They then complete a project that includes a research paper, a display board about the topic and the creation of a product that relates to their topic. It is similar to how we do it because we present infront of a panel must research about your topic and turn it into a project.

2. How have the students taken their projects beyond the “research” component to become actively involved? By creating a product that relates to there topic. She created a PowerPoint presentation and set up a display board outlined with cutouts of buses and surrounded by small blocks, bears and apples. She said she wants to major in elementary education and become a teacher.

3. Focus on one project from the articles – “brainstorm” a list of the various steps/components that the student probably had to complete to reach the point of presentation. Alexander Price presented his senior project on tuberculosis. He would have to reseacrh how do you get tuberculosis? How common is it to get? How do you cure tuberculosis?

4. There are many ideas/concepts conveyed in these articles, which ideas are offered might help your thinking and/or planning of your project? The one project was based on a large clay sculpture. I was thinking of creating something with chemical engineering techniques.

Sean Dehler said...

Article 2

1.List the project requirements that the students mentioned in these articles had to meet. How do they compare to our project? Presentation, students are asked to find a mentor in the community is an expert. Similar to how we do it because presentation.

2. How have the students taken their projects beyond the “research” component to become actively involved? The students must find a mentor in the community. The mentor assesses the students understanding of the subject matter at the onset of the project and evaluates at the end.

3. Focus on one project from the articles – “brainstorm” a list of the various steps/components that the student probably had to complete to reach the point of presentation. Brown deceided to complete restoration of a 1973 Husqvarna 125 WR motorcycle. He had to look up how to complete the restoration process? How much does it cost to buy that motorcyle? Where can he get that type of motorcycle?

4. There are many ideas/concepts conveyed in these articles, which ideas are offered might help your thinking and/or planning of your project? Brown's project could relate to my topic because I would like to create something using chemicals.

Sean Dehler said...

Article 3

1.List the project requirements that the students mentioned in these articles had to meet. How do they compare to our project? they presented their projects to peers, teachers, and visitors. they were able to choose a subject about which they were passionate, were allowed to take learning wherever they pleased, and knew they were going to present their work publicly to local experts and community members. one similarity is the presentation.

2. How have the students taken their projects beyond the “research” component to become actively involved? They were allowed to take learning wherever they pleased, and knew they were going to present their work publicly to local experts and community members.

3. Focus on one project from the articles – “brainstorm” a list of the various steps/components that the student probably had to complete to reach the point of presentation. Probably had to look up statistics based on how well students do on projects when they are forced to do a particular topic. and the statistics when they are able to pick there topic.

4. There are many ideas/concepts conveyed in these articles, which ideas are offered might help your thinking and/or planning of your project? Nothing on the article helped me with my topic.